Washington’s Arrogance Will Destroy Its Empire

10/07/2014 § Leave a comment

Washington reeks of the stench of evil

Paul Craig Roberts

Alone among the governments in the world, Washington requires sovereign governments to follow Washington’s laws even when Washington’s laws contradict the laws of sovereign countries.

The examples are endless. For example, Washington forced Switzerland to violate and to repeal Switzerland’s historic bank secrecy laws. Washington executes citizens of other countries, as well as its own citizens, without due process of law. Washington violates the sovereignty of other countries and murders the countries’ citizens with drones, bombs, and special forces teams. Washington kidnaps abroad citizens of other countries and either brings them to the US to be tried under US law or sends them to another country to be tortured in secret torture centers. Washington tells banks in other countries with whom they can do business and when the banks disobey, Washington blackmails them into compliance or imposes fines that threaten their existence. Last week Washington forced a French bank to pay Washington $9 billion dollars or be banned from its US operations, because the bank financed trade with countries disapproved by Washington.

Washington issues ultimatums to sovereign nations to do as they are told or “be bombed into the stone age.”

Washington violates diplomatic immunity and forces down the planes of presidents of sovereign countries to be illegally searched.

Washington ordered its UK vassal to violate the laws and conventions governing political asylum and to refuse free passage to Julian Assange to Ecuador.

Washington ordered Russia to violate its laws and to hand over Edward Snowden.

Russia is strong enough to refuse to comply with Washington’s orders.

So what did Washington do?

The city upon the hill, the light unto the world, the “indispensable, exceptional government,” kidnapped Roman Seleznyov, the son of a Russian MP, in a foreign country, the Republic of the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. Seleznyov was seized by Washington as he boarded a flight to Moscow and was spirited away on a private plane to US controlled territory where he was arrested on bogus fraud charges.

The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Washington of kidnapping a Russian citizen in “a new hostile move by Washington” against the Russian people.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Seleznyov’s kidnapping is illegal–as is everything Washington has done since the Clinton regime. Seleznyov’s father, a member of the Russian legislative body, believes that Washington kidnapped his son in order to exchange him for Edward Snowden.

Seleznyov was immediately, without any evidence, charged with imaginary offenses amounting to 30 years in prison. The fascist head of Homeland Security declared that the completely illegal action by the the Washington Gestapo is an “important arrest” that “sends a clear message” that “the long arm of justice–and this Department–will continue to disrupt and dismantle sophisticated criminal organizations.”

The US Secret Service declared the Russian MP’s son to be “one of the world’s most prolific traffickers of stolen financial information.”

What utter bullshit!

As the entire world now knows, the greatest thief of financial information is Washington’s National Stasi Agency. Washington’s Stasi Agency has stolen for the benefit of US corporations that make generous political contributions financial information from companies in Brazil, Germany, France, China, Japan, indeed, everywhere. Washington’s Stasi have even stolen the Chancellor of Germany’s private cell phone conversations.

The world was stupid to trust American information systems which serve as spy devices. Anyone who purchases an American brand name computer, or relies on American Internet services, can know for a fact that Washington’s National Stasi Agency has complete information about them. The other governments thought that they had a free ride on US capital investment, but what this free ride meant was that no government and no population had proprietary information and secrets.

The US National Stasi Agency can blackmail the entire population of the world.

According to the neoconservatives, the right to spy on the world is the right of the “indispensable” people, as represented by the “exceptional government” in Washington.

The world is stupid in many other ways in the trust misplaced in Washington. NGOs funded by Washington operate in many countries and serve as Washington’s Fifth Columns. Washington can call out its NGOs into the streets to challenge and overthrow non-cooperating governments or to create for Washington propaganda against targeted governments, as Washington did when it called out its Russian NGOs to protest in the Russian streets that Putin stole the election. These NGOs are proud of the blood that they have, or soon will have, on their hands. It shows that they are important agents of the Empire.

With a captive Western media and European governments plus Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, S. Korea and the Philippines, Washington can brazen out its lies and false charges. “Saddam Hussein has weapons of Mass Destruction.” No one has been punished for this costly lie. “Assad of Syria used chemical weapons against his own people.” No one has been punished for this costly lie. “Russia invaded Ukraine.” No one has been published for this costly lie. “Edward Snowden is a Chinese/Russian/someone’s spy and a traitor to boot for telling Americans about the illegal actions of their government.” No one has been punished for this lie. “Julian Assange is a spy for making leaked documents of Washington’s crimes available on the Internet.” No one has been punished for this lie.

Every American opposed to Wall Street’s and Washington’s hegemony has been declared to be persona non grata. Such Americans are “domestic extremists,” who are now the focus of the Gestapo Homeland Security, a well armed military force, in contravention of the Posse Comitatus Act. Homeland Security is an illegal and unconstitutional force directed at the American people. The sheeple American people are forced to pay for it as their homes are foreclosed and those that aren’t foreclosed are invaded by goon thug SWAT teams.

Environmentalists are in the way of capitalist profits, and the capitalists rule, not the environmentalists. Environmentalists are “domestic extremists.”

War protesters are investigated as “agents of foreign powers.”

People concerned with the fate of animals and the decline of species due to habitat destruction by greedy, short-term motivated corporations, are on the list of “domestic extremists.”

The Supreme Court is owned by the private interest groups who have bought our government. The US Supreme Court is the great enemy of the US Constitution.

Law is misused to send millions of innocents, especially the young, and Americans whose violations are inconsequential to prison in order to support the revenue needs of the privatized prison system and the career needs of prosecutors.

It is difficult to imagine a country as wrong as the US, where government serves not the people but a tiny handful of the one percent, a government incapable of delivering any kind of justice, a government that if it uttered truth would destroy itself.

Washington reeks of evil. And the world is beginning to realize it.


Paul Craig Roberts

Even Democratic Party Loyalists Starting to Wake Up to the Fact that Obama Is As Bad As Bush … Or Worse

18/03/2013 § 1 Comment

Obama Is Worse than Bush In Favoring the Super-Elite, Bailing Out the Big Banks, Protecting Financial Criminals, Targeting Whistleblowers, Keeping Government Secrets, Trampling Our Liberties and Starting Military Conflicts In New Countries

A majority of voters believe President Obama has been no better than his immediate predecessor, President George W. Bush, when it comes to balancing national security with the protection of civil liberties, according to a new poll for The Hill.

DUH, yeah! Anyone who didn’t think he would be after his first Cabinet appointment has been fooling themselves.

Washington’s Blog

160,000 PAGES Of Laws And DUHmericans Call Themselves ‘Free’.

01/02/2013 § Leave a comment

DUHmerica likely has more laws than any place else on Earth, over 160,000 pages of them by some counts. More laws than any person or group of people could ever memorize over the course of numerous lifetimes. Reasonably, more than one could even read over the course of a life time

The law books which define the rule of law in DUHmerica exist as an unfathomable yet ever expanding archive of justifications to deny people freedom in the self-proclaimed land of the free.

The Patriot Act is a workable example: at nearly 950 pages, it was reputedly crafted in about a month after the entirely unanticipated attacks of 9/11. It makes many changes of existing laws, diminishes Constitutional protections and expands the national security state, yet at least two of the elected representatives that signed it into law admitted on camera that they hadn’t even read it. 950 pages of laws signed by lawmakers who didn’t even bother to read them.

Senator John Conyers stated (to Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11) that none of the congressmen read the laws they signed as it would slow down the process. This suggests that the process is more important than the ethos driving it. At least to those paid to process it. This is worth considering.

Far from being a lawless people DUHmericansnare instead totally lawsome! To the extreme! In fact, the probability exists that we may have entered a state of total criminality (as postulated by Frank Zappa in 1980) wherein DUHmericans are all guilty of something or other (160 thousand pages and counting) and can thus be remanded to custody with relative impunity with the assurance that some violation exists in each DUHmerican life to warrants it. According to the state, DUHmericans can be detained indefinitely until they can come up with something to accuse you of. In that timeframe all manner of criminality can be identified and acted upon.

The problem then becomes that if DUHmerica strengthens its position through the enmity of its citizens (economically, as arbiter, or ultimately warden), is the state motivated to promote generosity and tolerance to its positional detriment? Where the people get along, the power of the state is diminished because the people are unified through accord, compelling the state into the role of an external authority. Where people are at odds, the state increases power through regulatory controls, expanded enforcement and financial levy through fines.

Hence there is an economic motivation for the state to foster criminality among the citizens – ultimately, their jobs depend upon it. Which is exactly why 160 thousand pages of laws exist: lawmakers with nothing to justify their lofty positions need something to show for it. Laws.

Yet DUHmericans continue to wave their red white and blue rag as though it means anything at all. Sad. So sad.

Lawsome – Prezbyter

DUHmerica Making Friends and Influencing People…..Yet Again.

25/01/2013 § Leave a comment

As the clouds of war appear to be gathering ominously over China’s various territorial disputes, China has one arch enemy in mind: the United States.

The official communist newspaper, The Global Times, accused Washington of an “insidious strategic plot to make trouble for the Chinese-Japanese relations” in the conflict over the Diaoyudao islands, which Japan also claims and calls the Senkaku islands.

“Under the direct control by the United States, right-wing forces in Japan are using the dispute to challenge China’s sovereignty, and other countries such as the Philippines in the South China Sea region, are provoking us and acting ridiculously,” the newspaper said last week in an unusually harsh commentary stated.

“We must be clear that the United States never wants China to be strong. The U.S. is changing China from a peaceful competitor to a Soviet Union-like Cold War-era enemy.”

The article stopped short of calling for a direct war with the United States, but it warned that “China must be prepared for war; speed up economic and military preparations required of a military struggle; speed up our nuclear second-strike capabilities; and actively develop overseas strategic and military support bases.”

DUHmerican posturing over these islands is mere smokescreen to disguise the real reason – China’s move toward a gold backed Yuan that will decimate the DUHmerican dollar.

DUHmerica intends to either remain the boss of the world or destroy it.

Inside China: War hysteria blamed on U.S. – STRATRISKS

DUHmerica the Insufferable

16/01/2012 § Leave a comment

What an absolutely insane fucking place DUHmerica has become. Everything one does in DUHmerica has been made as insufferable as possible by the corporate capitalist predators, the security state that has destroyed freedom or from miserable DUHmericans themselves. Their constant 24hour a day never ending oppressive assault is utterly debilitating.

Whatever one does some fucking asshole has an agenda that one must meet in order to be left the fuck alone. What that agenda is one never fucking knows because its all fucking bullshit often made up on the fucking spot by the capitalist or state security fucking asshole of the moment. As one can’t know prior to offending the freak’s tender sensibilities one is NEVER left the fuck alone.  EVER!

Should one attempt to withdraw from the bullshit as much as possible to preserve what minuscule particle of sanity one possesses one quickly finds one has committed the greatest offense possible – not going along with the bullshit agenda the fucker in front of you deems of galactic importance.

I say FUCK these DUHmerican assholes, their so-called ‘culture’ and especially their goddamn warmongering terrorist cesspool of a country. Take your goddamn red white and blue fucking rag and stuff it up your ass until you fucking choke on it you fucking goddamn assholes! FUCK YOU!

Two Financial Nukes Explode

02/11/2011 § Leave a comment

Two monster nukes exploded on the financial landscape.  They are the surprise MF Global bankruptcy and the equally surprising Greek referendum on the second bailout package.  Kaboom and kaboom!!!  I see not one, but two giant mushroom clouds on the horizon, and destruction is headed our way.  Anyone underselling these two bombs is on some pretty heavy Prozac.

This is a turning point, and the turn is decidedly bad. It’s a global financial crash.

Yeee Hawwwwww. Its gonna be one hell of a ride. The banksters are gonna take the whole thing down so they can take everything they haven’t already taken for pennies on the dollar. Ain’t capitalism grand!

Two Financial Nukes Explode

Tennessee Becomes First State To Fight Terrorism Statewide

21/10/2011 § Leave a comment

So gushes Nashville’s News Channel 5 as though that’s a good thing.

You’re probably used to seeing TSA’s signature blue uniforms at the airport, but now agents are hitting the interstates to fight terrorism with Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR).

“Where is a terrorist more apt to be found? Not these days on an airplane more likely on the interstate,” said Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons.

Tuesday Tennessee was first to deploy VIPR simultaneously at five weigh stations and two bus stations across the state.

News Channel 5

Agents are recruiting truck drivers, like Rudy Gonzales, into the First Observer Highway Security Program to say something if they see something.

Welcome to the new ‘improved’ United Hates of DUHmerica. Ain’t it grand!

How the GOP Will Bring About the End of Capitalism

10/10/2011 § Leave a comment

.–it is unrestrained, free market capitalism that has, in fact, created every depression since the Great Depression which began with the stock market crash of 1929.

I wish them great and rapid success!

Read the comments!

The Existentialist Cowboy


06/10/2011 § Leave a comment

The Chicago traders, confronted by the protesters’ “We are the 99 percent” message, crafted their own not-so-subtle reply, hanging signs in eighth-floor windows that said, “We are the 1%“:

Guillotines are the only appropriate response to a provocation such as this.

Have I mentioned lately just how much I hate these people?

Think Progress

Danger in The Speed Trap

20/09/2011 § Leave a comment

Speeding motorists have long lived in fear of the state trooper armed with a radar gun. Now it turns out that the troopers themselves may be at risk.

Across the U.S., dozens of cops who work with radar guns day in and day out have developed cancers of suspicious origin. Two California troopers who regularly rested the gun on their lap developed cancers on their legs. Another, who jammed the gun between his legs, got testicular cancer.

Karma is a bitch. Bet they’re not so smug now!
